Conperio Control is the most advanced and complex service to analyze the past and present absence situation in the company. During the inspection, field activities are carried out to verify the legitimacy of using sick leaves by employees.

A team of qualified specialists, while maintaining the highest quality of ethical standards, examines in particular whether employees do not undertake additional work during their sick leave or do not use the sick leave in any other way, inconsistent with its intended use. The inspection of the employee consists of a visit to his/her place of residence and analysis of data from other sources, such as social media.

Preliminary analysis

  • Analysis of absence data from 12 months before the inspection
  • Taking into account internal numerical factors affecting the level of absence (seniority, age of the employee, rotation, gender of employees)
  • Analysis of macroeconomic data
  • Identification of absence types (natural, grey, professional)
  • Conducting a survey among employees
  • Presentation of statistical results and presentation of an action plan based on conclusions

The process of controlling sick leaves

  • Implementation of the sick leaves control process
  • Training for HR
  • Communication for leaders/ foremen
  • Communication for employees
  • Sick leaves control
  • Conperio controllers' shift
  • Conducting interviews with employees after their return from L4 (sick leave)
  • Employees' suggestions from the control, implementation of the procedure for addressing each obtained suggestion to the decision maker and monitoring solving the cases

How will your company benefit from the controls?

Adequately selected actions can limit the company’s expenses incurred due to the absence up to even 70%.

Working with us can ensure that the number of sick leave forms drops from 136 to 50 within 2 months.

Our goal is to actually improve working conditions and indicate to the employer the areas necessary to improve.

Ethical aspect

By conducting inspections and collecting data on sickness absence, we enable employees to indicate its cause, giving them the opportunity to actively participate in changing the processes taking place in their workplace.

Benefits of Conperio Control

  • reduction of sickness absence rate
  • improvement of production capacity
  • real savings
  • cooperation with experienced specialists – we have analyzed approximately 41000 employees from 40 companies across Poland
  • efficient identification of problems and effective implementation of changes
  • objectivity and impartial control of L4 sick leaves