Questions concerning Conperio’s business activity

  • What methods does Conperio use to carry out its activities?

    Conperio carries out its activities in 5 steps:

    1. Audit, preliminary analysis of sickness absence in the company on the basis of the data provided by the company and referring its indicators to market data
    2. Field activities that allow verification of L4 sick leaves
    3. An in-depth analysis of the reasons for absence based on the employees’ opinions and suggestions.
    4. Monitoring of sickness absence using the Conperio system an access to which is granted to the HR department

    Reports enabling the customer to observe a decreasing absence

  • Do employees know about the carried out controls?

    In order to ensure the highest possible ethical standards, employees know that their employer uses the services of the company auditing L4 sick leaves. We do not inform about when the audit will take place, but employees know that they can expect such verification. Our controls are designed to eliminate only those unjustified sick leaves.

  • Is it legal to audit employees?

    Verification of L4 sick leaves among employees is fully in line with Polish legislation. Conperio’s actions are fully legal.

  • Does the company have the guarantee to remain anonymous when using Conperio services?

    Entrepreneurs who want to remain anonymous when using our services are guaranteed full discretion.

Questions concerning sickness absence

  • What is subject of control of the correctness of the use of sick leave?

    The Employee’s absence may be subject to control due to:

    • own disease

    In this case, it is checked whether the employee does not perform paid work or does not use the sick leave in a manner inconsistent with its purpose

    • taking care of a sick child or other sick family member

    In addition, it is checked whether there are other family members, apart from the insured person, remaining in the common household who can provide care (this does not apply to the care of a sick child aged up to 2 years).

    • being on rehabilitation benefit
  • When is the control report drawn up?

    The protocol shall be drawn up only if it is found that the insured person misused the sick leave. The employee has the right to read the protocol and submit his comments (e.g. he can explain the reasons why he performed activities contrary to the doctor’s recommendation).

  • What are the consequences of improper use of sick leave?

    An employee who, at the time of sick leave, performs paid work or uses this sick leave contrary to its purpose, loses the right to remuneration for the entire period for which the sick leave form was issued.

  • How should the Employee use the sick leave?
    • during illness, the employee should follow the medical indications
    • it is assumed that in any case he/she should at his/her apartment
    • the provision “can walk ” authorizes only to perform ordinary activities of everyday life, e.g. to go to a medical procedure or a medical check-up, necessary shopping the case of a person living alone. An employee on sick leave may, therefore, perform only those activities that do not affect the deterioration of his/her health
  • What address should be entered on the sick leave form?
    • the actual address of the employee’s stay during illness should be given on the sick leave form
    • you should tell the doctor filling out the sick leave form about the above
  • When can the absence of an employee at the time of the inspection be justified?

    Absence may be justified in the event of obtaining confirmed information that the employee, for example, was on a check-up visit to a doctor, was buying out a prescription in a pharmacy, underwent rehabilitation, made the necessary purchases. Failure to provide an explanation of the reasons for the absence within the prescribed period causes the employer to have grounds for refusing the right to sick pay.

  • Can the employer control the use of sick leave on public holidays?

    The employer’s representative has the right to control the use of sick leave at any time, as well as on public holidays covered by the sick leave period.

  • How much time does the employee have to deliver the sick leave form?

    In accordance with art. 62 sec. 1 of the Act of 25 June 1999 on cash benefits from social insurance in case of illness and maternity (Journal of Laws of 2010, No. 77, item 512) the employee should provide a sick leave to the employer within seven days from the date of its receipt.

  • When should the employer be notified of the reason for absence from work?

    The employee should notify the employer within 48 hours and provide the supervisor with the reason for the absence.